TALKz COMPATIBLEz budcat "budcatcode" budcat.dbf Where is budcat? "budcatcode" budget budget.dbf Where is budget? product "prodcode" product.dbf Where is product? "prodcode" "deptcode" dept.dbf Where is dept? "deptcode" Budget Table SYSMENUz Pick Category DEACTIVATE POPUP PERIOD DEPTCODE BUDCATCODE deptarrayF deptarray Pick Budget Entry budget Edit this Record Period: Budgeted Amount: Budget Category: Notes: Order Table By: @! AAAN @ 1,30 GET m.product PICTURE "@&N" POPUP _q291f3dqs SIZE 5,23 DEFAULT " " VALID _q291f3ekw() COLOR SCHEME 9 @*C \ big_item, "* "+STR(budget.budgetamt,7,0), budget.budgetamt) waitpage() "Page "+ALLTRIM(STR(_PAGENO)) .IIF(EMPTY(Budget.notes),"Make notes here.","") BIG_ITEM big_item (IIF(TYPE("big_item")="N", big_item, 500) BUDGET query1 DEPTNAME BUDGET PERIOD BUDGETAMT DEPTCODE QUERY1 BUDGET PRODUCT query2 PRODUCT GEPRODNAME BUDGET PERIOD BUDGETAMT PRODCODE QUERY2 THE_CODE MCODE MRETURN MORDER ADDMODE field cannot be empty. already in use in field. m.pausef PAUSE TOPIC DETAILS READITEM MENUITEM WINDOBJ CURRFILE HELPSORT OmniPresent Widget System 8 0.00 Budget Table: Query 1 24query1 budget 10.00 Budget Entries 28 budget 30.00 Browse Windows 31 pick 40.00 Print Options 34 print 80.00 Queries 36 80.00 Reports and Labels 39 report 80.00 Data Entry 41 99.99 Data Paths 93 99.99 This is the Help System for the Omnipresent Widget Database System. In this introductory section and in the other help entries, you can highlight any words or phrases surrounded by two triangles, like this: Word or phrase ... and press (for Lookup) for more information about it. (You can highlight a word by double-clicking on it with the mouse or by pressing Shift-Ctrl-right arrow with your cursor at the beginning of a word. For more information, look up the Topic on Editing Keys The Omnipresent Widget Database System is a executive management tool used for tracking funds, products, production schedules, and contacts for the Omnipresent Widget company. Use it to: enter Data execute Queries produce Reports and Labels Its central planning tool is the Budget Table , with which the company's costs can be forecast and compared with actual expenses for different financial quarters.. This entry explains the first query buttons in the Budget Table Data Entry screen and its use. Ordinarily, it would be created from the Comments snippet in the appropriate GET object. This is a general help entry on data entry procedures for the Budget table. It should be called by the data entry window... This entry could be called by windows titled "Pick ____" -- Browses that act as "drivers" for data entry window such as the Budget window in the Widget system. xPrint Options -- info on your printer and setup. See Also: Reports and Labels This is a help entry on Queries. See Also: Budget Table: Query 1, Budget Table Query 2 rThis is a general entry on Reports and Labels. See also: Print Options This is a general entry on data entry. See Also: Budget Table, Product Table, Editing Keys In a large system like the OmiPresent Widget application, you would probably want your users to specify their own data directory along with many other defaults. You would create a utility menu option and screen and save this information either as a .MEM file or as information in a special "system setup" table. You could use indirect references to your files when opening them or, if screens and reports are permitted to open their Allowing users to specify their own data paths In a large system like the OmiPresent Widget application, you would probably want your users to specify their own data directory along with many other defaults. You would create a utility menu option and screen and save this information either as a .MEM file or as information in a special "system setup" table. You could use indirect references to your files when opening them or, if screens and reports are designed to open and close their own files, as in the defaults and simple examples shown here, you'd issue a SET PATH statement to allow the data to be found. Allowing users to specify their own data paths has several important advantages: they can set up their disks any way that is comfortable for them; they can maintain their data separately from their program files. This makes backup much easier and DOS and FoxPro will both be more efficient with fewer files in each directory! they can maintain several sets of data if necessary -- for separate offices, separate fiscal years, or even "scratch" data to be used by new operators learning the system. Your installation routines can create the necessary empty data files in each specified data directory if they are not found, as described in the INSTALL.PRG In a large system like the OmiPresent Widget application, you would probably want your users to specify their own data directory along with many other defaults. You would create a utility menu option and screen and save this information either as a .MEM file or as information in a special "system setup" table. You could use indirect references to your files when opening them or, if screens and reports are designed to open and close their own files, as in the defaults and simple examples shown here, you'd issue a SET PATH statement to allow the data to be found. Allowing users to specify their own data paths has several important advantages: they can set up their disks any way that is comfortable for them; they can maintain their data separately from their program files. This makes backup much easier and DOS and FoxPro will both be more efficient with fewer files in each directory! they can maintain several sets of data if necessary -- for separate offices, separate fiscal years, or even "scratch" data to be used by new operators learning the system. Your installation routines can create the necessary empty data files in each specified data directory if they are not found, as described in the INSTALL.PRG as part of Chapter 20's low-level file function section. In a large system like the OmiPresent Widget application, you would probably want your users to specify their own data directory along with many other defaults. You would create a utility menu option and screen and save this information either as a .MEM file or as information in a special "system setup" table. You could use indirect references to your files when opening them or, if screens and reports are designed to open and close their own files, as in the defaults and simple examples shown here, you'd issue a SET PATH statement to allow the data to be found. Allowing users to specify their own data paths has several important advantages: they can set up their disks any way that is comfortable for them; they can maintain their data separately from their program files. This makes backup much easier and DOS and FoxPro will both be more efficient with fewer files in each directory! they can maintain several sets of data if necessary -- for separate offices, separate fiscal years, or even "scratch" data to be used by new operators learning the system. Your installation routines can create the necessary empty data files in each specified data directory if they are not found, as described in the INSTALL.PRG as part of Chapter 20's low-level file function section. Alternatively, you could design error-trapping procedures that would create them the first time they are required. TALKz COMPATIBLEz budcat "budcatcode" budcat.dbf Where is budcat? "budcatcode" controls Controls Budget Category Table controls @*VN \ 0 Current table is F THISVAR RCTHISPROMPTTHISWIND _THISFILE THISTITLE TOPIC READITEM LWINDOBJ CURRFILE MENUITEM TALKz ????_errs /43/1012/1149/1150/1151/1600/ /5/19/20/114/1707/ /1410/ /1/15/41/111/1115/1294/1643/1644/1705/ /124/1705/ /3/108/109/110/1502/1708/ /125/ /1910/1643/1644/1717/ The printer is not ready; RETRY or CANCEL? RETRY @M RETRY, CANCEL Record/file in use; RETRY or CANCEL? RETRY @M RETRY, CANCEL FILEOPEN Index file error detected; re-creating indexes... There is a problem with your program files. Please re-install. cannot recover from this error; press a key to clean up & exit. A program exception has occurred; writing error log... errlog errlog.dbf2 errlog.fpt2 errlog errlog error number=FF error message= last error parameter= program= lineno= last window= top window SCREEN *is NOT*8 involved in current READ read level= rec. no.= FFFR^ diskspace= FFFF K memory in use by user objects K memory remaining K total memory available to Fox Printer Driver Installed processor= video card/monitor= FILES= Status listing gramdiskf Memory listing survey.txt ERRLINENO ERRPROG PTERRMSG _ERRLINE ERRNO LASTWIND READWIND LTOPWIND READNO ERRPDSET ERRTALK PTBELLTONE LOWMEM _ERRSTR MEMO_ERRS INDX_ERRS DISK_ERRS FILE_ERRS NETW_ERRS LOCK_ERRS PRTR_ERRS DRVR_ERRS ERR_ASK _ _ _ ERR_RESET GOT_CANCELOLDVUE XSELECT _ ERRLOG _ _ERRDATE _ ERRTIME SNAPSHOT LISTING USERNOTES ERRDATA eGRAMDISK TEMPFILE CSURVEY Debug BELLz SET BELL &oldbell RLINENO RPROG PTOLDBELL SET TALK &errtalk ERRPDSET SETUP ? ? CLEANUP WIDGHELP WIDGERROR BELLTONE ERR_RESET TALKz COMPATIBLEz Executive Information System Que's USING FOXPRO 2 Model Application... CURRAREA QTALKSTAT COMPSTAT MPSTAT TALKz COMPATIBLEz _q291dzhlo _q291dzhlo U S I N G F O X P R O 2 by Lisa C. Slater and Steven E. Arnott This application was created from the techniques and model database detailed in @*HN \